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EWH Comes to Penn State

Engineering World Health logo

* engineeringworldhealth, Johns Hopkins. Retrieved on May 1, 2013 from Johns Hopkins.

Last fall, Evan Fox (graduate student) noticed that there was no outlet for freshman and sophomore students to practice their engineering design skills.  As vice president of the Biomedical Engineering Society, he took it upon himself to establish a design team to encourage the development of these skills.  Teaming up with members of the electrical engineering department, Evan helped bring Engineering World Health to Penn State.  EWH’s mission is to inspire and mobilize the biomedical engineering community to improve the quality of health care in resource-poor communities of the developing world.   Currently EWH is in the initial phases of development on two projects: 1) a universal light bulb for operating rooms currently plagued with bulb incompatibilities from donated equipment and 2) a respiratory rate monitor to help detect sudden infant death syndrome for home-care use.  Though this past academic year has been spent organizing the club, EWH hopes to begin work on these projects next fall as the club continues to grow and recruit more members.

- Andrew Higgins ('13 BIOE M.S.)